On Easter Monday 2013,
my dear mother, Mary Shuker,
passed away.
So today, on Easter Monday 2014,
I am dedicating this ShukerNature
blog post to her.
God bless you, little Mom -
I shall always love you, miss
and wish that you were here with me still.
Computer-created representation of a white eagle in mountain darkness (© Dr Karl Shuker)
To misquote Oscar Wilde: To lose one white eagle
may be regarded as a misfortune. To lose both looks like carelessness.
In the annals of ornithology, only two types of
white eagle have been reported – one in Europe, and one in North
America. Both, however,
are long vanished, not only from our planet but also from contemporary records.
Indeed, even their erstwhile existence is known from only the most sparse and
fragmentary details, and has been largely forgotten for centuries - until now. I
first learned of these birds from their tantalisingly short entries in Extinct
Birds (2012) by Julian P. Hume and Michael Walters, and was determined to find out more about them. Consequently, after having spent much time painstakingly
tracing and collating it, I now have pleasure in documenting here the very
scattered, disparate history of what appear to have once been a pair of real
and extremely impressive but highly mysterious raptors, of unconfirmed taxonomic
status, which were lost to the world before any physical trace of their former
presence had been obtained for scientific examination.
The earliest documentation of the European white
eagle appears to occur in the writings of the 13th-Century German
Dominican friar and Catholic bishop Albertus Magnus. His words were reiterated three
centuries later in a couple of brief references in the year 1555. The first of these was by Swiss naturalist
Conrad Gesner (1516-1565), who documented it on p. 199 of his Avium Natura
(1555), the bird tome in his celebrated five-volume, 45,000-plus-page
encyclopaedia Historiae Animalium (published 1551-1558). He referred to
it as Aquila alba sive Cygne ('the white or swan eagle'), and Aquila alba
subsequently became its official binomial name in taxonomic nomenclature.
Similarly, French naturalist Pierre Belon (1517-1564) referred to this bird as
the 'aigle toute blanche' ('all-white eagle') on p. 89 of his L'Histoire de
la Nature des Oyseaux (1555). Following Gesner's lead, Italian naturalist
Ulisse Aldrovandi (1522-1605) termed it Aquila alba seu cycnea on p. 231 of his
Ornithologiae, hoc est de Avibus Historia (1599).

An illustration of the European white
eagle from 1790
On p. 63 of his Onomasticon Zoicon: Plerorumque
Animalium Differentias et Nomina Propria Pluribus Linguis Exponens (1668), Somerset-born
natural history writer Walter Charleton (1619-1707) called it the white eagle.
And it was Aquila alba to Poland's Reverend Gabriel Rzaczynski (1664-1737) on p.
299 of his tome Historia Naturalis Curiosa Regni Poloniae (1721), who
also referred to it as Aquila Cygnea Aldrovandi in a subsequent publication of
1745 entitled Auctarium Historiae Naturalis Regni Poloniae Magnique Ducatus
Lituaniae Annexarumque Provinciarum in Puncta. Five years later, Jacob T.
Klein summarised it on p. 42 of his Historiae Avium Prodromus cum
Praefatione de Ordine Animalium in Genere (1750). In 1760, French zoologist
Mathurin J. Brisson (1723-1806) documented Aquila alba on p. 424 of his tome Ornithologia, sive Synopsis Methodica
Sistens Avium Divisionem in Ordines, Sectiones, Genera, Species, Ipsarumque Varietates.
Acclaimed French naturalist
Georges-Louis Leclerc, Comte de Buffon (1707-1788) also alluded to white eagles
in his multi-volume magnum opus Histoire Naturelle (1749-1788).
English ornithologist John Latham (1740-1837)
documented this raptor in three separate publications – calling it the white
eagle on p. 36 of his famous treatise A General Synopsis of Birds
(1781), applying to it the taxonomic binomial name Falco cygneus on p.
14 of his Index Ornithologicus (1790), and commenting upon what he
believed its status to be in his General History of Birds (1822).
Meanwhile, on p. 257 of his own version (published in 1788) of Linnaeus's
pioneering taxonomic work Systema Naturae, German naturalist Johann F.
Gmelin (1748-1804) had christened it Falco albus (but as the genus Falco
was subsequently limited to falcons, this was later reverted to Aquila alba
by other writers). In 1809, English
zoologist George Shaw (1751-1813) dubbed it Falco cygneus after Latham on p. 76 of the
bird volume in his sixteen-volume series General Zoology (1809-1826).
And this seems to be the full (or at the very least
the major) extent of the European white eagle's formal documentation in the
scientific literature – but what did these various accounts actually say about
it? Sadly, the answer to that question is…very little indeed. Moreover, as was
typical back in those far-distant days, each work did little (if anything) more
than simply regurgitate what had been published in the previous ones. So here
is a summary of the sparse, salient details gathered from these sources.
Gesner's illustration of the golden
Albertus Magnus stated that the European white
eagle preys upon rabbits, hares, and sometimes fishes too, and that it inhabits
the Alps, as well as the rocks bordering the Rhine, where, according to the Rev. Gabriel Rzaczynski, it builds its
nests. Brisson stated that it is as large as the familiar golden eagle Aquila chrysaetos, but is entirely white - as white as snow. Rzaczynski noted that it has
a 9-ft wingspan, and likened its white plumage to that of a swan. He also
claimed that a specimen had been killed in Poland and its body shown to the
country's monarch, John II Casimir Vasa ((but its subsequent fate is apparently
unknown). Due to its fish-eating proclivities, Aldrovandi suggested that it may
be more closely related to the osprey than to any eagle (but there are a number
of eagle species famed for their piscivorous behaviour).
All of the European white eagle's early chroniclers
presumed it to be a valid, distinct race in its own right. However, Buffon
deemed all white eagles to be nothing more than varieties of the golden eagle. Conversely,
although he included Buffon's opinion in his own coverage of the European white
eagle within his 1781 publication, Latham decided to follow Brisson's stance in
categorising it as a separate species – but by 1822 he had changed his mind,
labelling it as merely a colour variety of the golden eagle after all.
Not that it mattered much by then anyway, except in
a strictly academic sense, because sightings of the European white eagle were
no longer being reported. Indeed, in his 1809 bird volume, Shaw had already
noted that "it does not appear to be known to modern naturalists". Tragically,
this pallid-plumed, winged prince of the alpine mountains had gone, forever. No
records exist regarding the reason for its disappearance, but such a
spectacular bird would unquestionably have been a major target for hunters,
seeking to add its immaculate form to their trophies (a comparable fate befell
the white tiger in India). If, as does seem likely, it existed as a
discrete, self-perpetuating population of a distinct colour morph of the golden
eagle, presumably either albinistic or (more probably) leucistic, and therefore
the physical expression of a recessive mutant allele, it would not have been
common to begin with, so would have been unable to withstand persecution for
any notable length of time. Occasionally, a freak partially-white specimen of
the golden eagle is reported today, usually in North America, but not from any self-perpetuating white population.

A partially-white (leucistic) golden eagle
sighted in Colorado in July 2008 (© Constance Hass - inclusion here strictly on Fair Use/non-commercial basis only)
I am not aware of any preserved specimens of the
European white eagle, and the present ShukerNature post is the most
comprehensive documentation of this hitherto all-but-forgotten mystery bird
ever written.
As for America's equivalent: This is – or was – the
Louisiana white eagle Aquila candidus, also known as the conciliating
eagle. It was originally documented by Antoine-Simon le Page du Pratz
(1695?-1775) in his tome Histoire de la Louisiane (1758). Although born
in Europe, this noted ethnographer, historian, and
naturalist had lived in Louisiana from 1718 to 1734, where he had befriended the leaders of the Natchez nation there and had also learned their language.
On p. 75 of his work, he referred to a white eagle that was smaller and rarer than
the golden eagle, but more handsome, being almost entirely white – only the
tips of its wings' quills were black. These quills were purchased at high
prices by the Natchez people, who valued them greatly and apparently
used them to compose the fan section of their symbol of peace, known as the
calumet or pipe of peace (a very long reed ornamented with feathers).
On p. 197 of the second (bird) volume in his
two-volume treatise Arctic Zoology (1785), documenting the mammals and
birds of North America, Welsh naturalist Thomas Pennant (1726-1798) merely
paraphrased Du Pratz's documentation of the Louisiana white eagle. So too did
Latham in his 1781 tome. On p. 258 of his version of Linnaeus's Systema
Naturae, Gmelin accorded this raptor the taxonomic binomial name Falco
candidus, whereas in 1809 George Shaw dubbed it Falco conciliator on
p. 77 of the bird volume in his General Zoology.
Hand-coloured engraving from 1840 of
an adult bald eagle
But what was this enigmatic bird, which, just like
its European equivalent, has long since disappeared, both physically and
figuratively? Its last notable mention was by English ornithologist Hugh E.
Strickland (1811-1853), who included it in his posthumously-published book Ornithological
Synonyms (1855). Here he listed its name as a synonym of the bald eagle Haliaeetus
leucocephalus, and questioned the accuracy of du Pratz's original account
of it. Yet other zoological descriptions included by du Pratz in his book were
accurate, so why shouldn’t his account of the Louisiana white eagle have been too? French naturalist
Charles-Nicholas-Sigisbert Sonnini de Manoncourt (1751-1812) speculated that
the Louisiana white eagle and the European white eagle were one
and the same form, but du Pratz claimed that the former raptor was smaller than
the golden eagle, whereas according to Brisson the European white eagle was the
same size as the golden eagle. If these claims were correct, this indicates that
the two white eagles were distinct from one another.
Worth noting is that a few confirmed specimens of
white or mostly white bald eagle have been documented in modern times, but not a
small, self-perpetuating population of them, which seems to have been true with
the Louisiana white eagle. Certainly, Du Pratz did state that this latter
raptor was rare; and in view of how valuable its feathers were, it may well
have gone the same way as other birds whose handsome plumes attracted similarly
unwelcome attention - such as the New Zealand huia (click here for more details) and the Hawaiian mamo, for instance.
Whatever the answer, the world is surely a poorer
place without the sight of a magnificent white eagle soaring skyward among the
lofty peaks of some stark mountain, like a pale feathered phantom whose mighty
pinions bear it ever higher toward that great Empyrean above.
Nor are they the only mystery eagles on record. Remind
me, another time, to recall for you the tiger eagle of Latvia, or the fierce eagle of Astrakhan, or the Macarran eagle of South America. And don't forget to click here for my extensive ShukerNature documentation
of Washington's eagle – the most controversial lost eagle of
UPDATE: 3 April 2017
Facebook friend and crypto-correspondent Bob Deis (co-editor of the awesome book Cryptozoology Anthology: Strange and Mysterious Creatures in Men's Adventure Magazines) very kindly brought to my attention today an additional mention of the North American white eagle that I hadn't previously encountered. It consists of a short account by American ornithologist and artist John Cassin in his book Illustrations of the Birds of California, Texas, Oregon, British and Russian America (1856). After reiterating the information provided by du Pratz in his own volume, Cassin then suggested that perhaps:
If not an albino [eagle], there is a possibility that it is a species of a group of white hawks, of rather large size, which are principally found in South America, and one species of which (Buteo Ghiesbreetii Dubus,) is known to inhabit Mexico. The latter would agree very well with Du Pratz's description, so far as it goes.
The species alluded to above by Cassin is nowadays known as the white hawk Pseudastur albicollis, currently classified as a member of the buzzard/hawk subfamily Buteoninae, whose northernmost subspecies, P. a. ghiesbreghti, is indeed native southern Mexico as well as upper Central America. Moreover, apart from black portions of its wings and tail, it is entirely white, thereby certainly drawing comparison with the mysterious North American white eagle as described by du Platz, and its smaller size is initially reminiscent of his description of the latter mystery bird too, although with a mere 22-in confirmed maximum length the white hawk is much smaller than any typical North American eagle.
Consequently, although there are certain morphological similarities, and perhaps in earlier times it may conceivably have ranged as far north as the southern USA states, the notable size discrepancy between the known white hawk and the unknown white eagle casts a not inconsiderable shadow of doubt over Cassin's suggestion that the former raptor could be the taxonomic identity of the latter one, as it seems difficult to believe that eyewitnesses would deem a barely 2-ft-long hawk to be an eagle. In my opinion, therefore, the mystery of what is, or was, the North American white eagle ultimately remains unresolved.

Beautiful painting of an adult bald
eagle in soaring flight (© William Rebsamen)