Zoologist, media consultant, and science writer, Dr Karl Shuker is also one of the best known cryptozoologists in the world. He is the author of such seminal works as Mystery Cats of the World (1989), The Lost Ark: New and Rediscovered Animals of the 20th Century (1993; greatly expanded in 2012 as The Encyclopaedia of New and Rediscovered Animals), Dragons: A Natural History (1995), In Search of Prehistoric Survivors (1995), The Unexplained (1996), From Flying Toads To Snakes With Wings (1997), Mysteries of Planet Earth (1999), The Hidden Powers of Animals (2001), The Beasts That Hide From Man (2003), Extraordinary Animals Revisited (2007), Dr Shuker's Casebook (2008), Karl Shuker's Alien Zoo: From the Pages of Fortean Times (2010), Cats of Magic, Mythology, and Mystery (2012), Mirabilis: A Carnival of Cryptozoology and Unnatural History (2013), Dragons in Zoology, Cryptozoology, and Culture (2013), The Menagerie of Marvels (2014), A Manifestation of Monsters (2015), Here's Nessie! (2016), and what is widely considered to be his cryptozoological magnum opus, Still In Search Of Prehistoric Survivors (2016) - plus, very excitingly, his four long-awaited, much-requested ShukerNature blog books (2019-2024).

Dr Karl Shuker's Official Website - http://www.karlshuker.com/index.htm

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Wednesday 25 June 2014


The Home of the Loch Ness Monster (image supplied to me by Errol Fuller)

It was 80 years ago this year when the pamphlet pictured above in this present ShukerNature blog post was published. A humble, unassuming little offering entitled The Home of the Loch Ness Monster, just 18 pages long, containing only a single illustration, and privately published by its author, a retired British army man named Lieutenant-Colonel William Horsburgh Lane who lived in a house on the shores of Loch Ness, it documented Lane's considered belief that the Loch Ness monster (LNM) may be a giant form of salamander. This particular zoological identity would be revisited and revitalised more than four decades later by Chicago University biochemist and veteran Nessie researcher Prof. Roy P. Mackal in his own much more detailed, highly-acclaimed study, The Monsters of Loch Ness (1976), which remains a standard work on the subject.

Conversely, Lane's very modest contribution to the LNM literature is all but forgotten today and exceedingly rare, making it much sought-after by Nessie aficionados – but not only because if its scarcity. What gives his pamphlet a unique, unassailable, and truly historic place within the cryptozoological canon, and the reason why I am celebrating today its publication in that long-ago year of 1934, is that it was the very first entire, stand-alone work (i.e. book, pamphlet, magazine, as opposed to merely an article in a magazine or a report in a newspaper) devoted exclusively to the LNM.

This, therefore, is where it all began – the trickle that became a stream that became a river that became a veritable ocean of Nessie-themed books published in the 80 years that have followed in the wake of Lane's pamphlet – and what a number there have been, as I am about to reveal.

Nessie conceived as a long-necked seal (© Robert Elsmore)

I recently disclosed on Facebook that I am currently completing a compendium volume that brings together pretty well everything that I have ever written on the subject of the LNM – drawn from my books, articles, and ShukerNature blog posts, expanded and updated as required, and accompanied by a purposefully eclectic selection of illustrations, many of which have never been published before, including a number specially prepared for it by some very talented artist friends of mine.

Entitled Here's Nessie! A Monstrous Compendium From Loch Ness, it will also include what I am hoping will be the most comprehensive bibliography of Nessie-themed non-fiction books ever compiled. As with all such lists, however, no matter how comprehensive it may seem to be to its compiler, there will always be some entries that he will have overlooked, and especially so in relation to foreign–language (non-English) books.

A model of Nessie conceived in classic plesiosaur mode (© Jeff Johnson)

Consequently, in the hope of plugging as many potential gaps in this bibliography as possible, I am presenting below the version that I have compiled so far, and would very greatly welcome any suggested additions from readers (and also any info regarding the few missing places of publication in the list). Please note, however, that I am not looking for books that only contain a single chapter or two on Nessie – all books included in this bibliography must be ones that are devoted entirely to the LNM (or to any other Scottish loch monsters), and they must also be works of non-fiction, not novels or other works of fiction. Thanks very much in advance for any assistance that you may be able to offer me, and enjoy the list!

My very own tartan Nessie! (© Dr Karl Shuker)

My sincere thanks to Errol Fuller for originally bringing Lieut.-Col. Lane's pamphlet to my attention, and for very kindly supplying me with the image of its front cover that opens this ShukerNature blog post.


ANON., They Saw Nessie (Or Thought They Did!): Eye-Witness Sightings of the Monster Over the Years (Northern Books, from Famedram: Gartocharn, 1984).

ABELS, Harriette & SCHROEDER, Howard, The Loch Ness Monster (Crestwood House: New York, 1987).

AKINS, William, The Loch Ness Monster (Signet: New York, 1977).

ARMSTRONG, Edward, Sticking My Neck Out (Privately published: [no place of publication details], 1983).

BAUER, Henry H., The Enigma of Loch Ness: Making Sense of a Mystery (University of Illinois Press: Urbana, 1986).

BAUMANN, Elwood D., The Loch Ness Monster (Franklin Watts: New York, 1972).

BAXTER, Colin, The Loch Ness Monster (Colin Baxter Photography: Grantown on Spey, 2012).

BENDICK, Jeanne, The Mystery of the Loch Ness Monster (McGraw-Hill: London, 1976).

BERTON, Jean, Les Monstres du Loch Ness et d'Ailleurs (France-Empire: Paris, 1977).

BINNS, Ronald, The Loch Ness Mystery Solved (Open Books: Shepton Mallet, 1983).

BORDER, Rosemary, Loch Ness Monster (Macdonald Phoebus: London, 1979).

BRASSEY, Richard, Nessie the Loch Ness Monster (Orion: London, 2010).

BURTON, Maurice, The Elusive Monster: An Analysis of the Evidence From Loch Ness (Rupert Hart-Davis: London, 1961).

BYRNE, Gerald, Gestalt Forms of Loch Ness (JRP Ringler: Zurich, 2011).

CAMPBELL, Elizabeth M. & SOLOMON, David, The Search For Morag (Tom Stacey: London, 1972).

CAMPBELL, Steuart, The Loch Ness Monster: The Evidence (Aquarian: Wellingborough, 1986; rev. edit., Aberdeen University Press: London, 1991).

CARNEY, James, Loch Ness Monster (Colin Baxter Photography: Grantown on Spey, 2009).

CARRUTH, J.A., Loch Ness and Its Monster (Abbey Press: Fort Augustus, 1945).

CASSIE, R.L., The Monsters of Achanalt (2 vols) (D. Wyllie & Sons: Aberdeen, 1935-36).

COOK, D. & COOK, Y., The Great Monster Hunt: The Story of the Loch Ness Investigation (Grosset & Dunlap: New York, 1969).

CORNELL, James, The Monster of Loch Ness (Scholastic Book Services: New York, 1977).

DINSDALE, Angus, The Man Who Filmed Nessie (Hancock House: New York, 2013).

DINSDALE, Tim, Loch Ness Monster (Routledge & Kegan Paul: London, 1961; 4th edit., 1982).

DINSDALE, Tim, The Story of the Loch Ness Monster (Allan Wingate: London, 1973).

DINSDALE, Tim, Project Water Horse: The True Story of the Monster Quest at Loch Ness (Routledge & Kegan Paul: London, 1975).

FLITCROFT, Jean, The Loch Ness Monster [The Cryptid Files #1] (Darby Creek Publishing: Minneapolis, 2014).

GANTES, Rémy, Le Mystère du Loch Ness (Etudes Vivantes: Paris, 1979).

GIBSON, John A. & HEPPELL, David (Eds), Proceedings of the Symposium on the Loch Ness Monster: "The Search For Nessie in the 1980s" (Scottish Natural History Library: Foremount House, 1988).

GOULD, Rupert T., The Loch Ness Monster and Others (Geoffrey Bles: London, 1934).

GRIMSHAW, Roger & LESTER, Paul, The Meaning of the Loch Ness Monster (Birmingham University: Birmingham, 1976).

HAMILTON, W.D. & HUGHES, J., The Mysterious Monster of Loch Ness (Fort Augustus Abbey Press: Fort Augustus, 1934).

HANSEN, Kim M., Mysteriet om Nessie: Søslangen i Loch Ness (Gyldendal: Copenhagen, 1988).

HARMSWORTH, Tony, The Mysterious Monsters of Loch Ness (Precision Press: 1980).

HARMSWORTH, Tony, Loch Ness: The Monster (Peter Gray Ltd: Tillicoultry, 1985).

HARMSWORTH, Tony, Loch Ness, Nessie & Me: The Truth Revealed [vt Nessie Understood] (Harmsworth.net: Drumnadrochit, 2010).

HARRISON, Paul, The Encyclopedia of the Loch Ness Monster (Robert Hale: London, 1999).

HASTAIN, Ronald & WITCHELL, Nicholas, Loch Ness and the Monster: A Handbook For Tourists (J. Arthur Dixon: Inverness, 1971).

HAUF, Monika, Nessie – Das Ungeheur von Loch Ness (Bohmeier Verlag: Leipzig, 2003).

HILE, Lori, The Loch Ness Monster (Capstone Global Library: Oxford, 2013).

HOLIDAY, F.W., The Great Orm of Loch Ness: A Practical Inquiry Into the Nature and Habits of Water-Monsters (Faber & Faber: London, 1968).

JAMES, David, Loch Ness Investigation (Loch Ness Phenomena Investigation Bureau: London, 1968).

KALLEN, Stuart A., The Loch Ness Monster (Referencepoint Press: San Diego, 2008).

KIRKPATRICK, Betty, Nessie: The Legend of the Loch Ness Monster (Crombie Jardine Publishing: Cheam, 2005).

KLEIN, Martin, et al., Underwater Search at Loch Ness [Monograph No. 1] (Academy of Applied Science: Belmont, 1972).

LANE, W[illiam].H., The Home of the Loch Ness Monster (Moray Press: Edinburgh, 1934).

MacRAE, Jim, Loch Ness Monster Handbook (John G. Eccles: Inverness, 1974).

MACKAL, Roy P., The Monsters of Loch Ness (Macdonald and Janes: London, 1976).

MARTIN, David & BOYD, Alistair, Nessie: The Surgeon's Photograph Exposed (Martin and Boyd: East Burnet, 1999).

MEREDITH, Dennis L., The Search at Loch Ness: The Expedition of the New York Times and the Academy of Applied Science (Quadrangle: New York, 1977).

MILLER, Connie C., El Monstruo del Lago Ness: El Misterio Sin Resolver / The Loch Ness Monster: The Unsolved Mystery (Blazers Bilingual: North Mankato, 2009).

MUNRO, Donald J., Loch Ness Mystery (Privately published: [no place of publication details], 1937).

OUDEMANS, A.C., The Loch Ness Animal (Leyden: London, 1934).

OWEN, William, Loch Ness Revealing Its Monsters (Jarrold: Norwich, 1976).

OWEN, William, The Loch Ness Monster [vt Scotland's Loch Ness Monster] (Jarrold: Norwich, 1986).

PARKS, Peggy J., The Loch Ness Monster (KidHaven: Farmington Hills, 2006).

PERERA, Victor, The Loch Ness Monster Watchers (Capra Press: Santa Barbara, 1974).

PICKNETT, Lynn, The Loch Ness Monster (Pitkin Pictorials: Andover, 1993).

RINES, Robert H., et al., Underwater Search At Loch Ness (Academy of Applied Science: New York, 1972).

RUSSELL, Jessie & COHN, Ronald (Eds), Loch Ness Monster in Popular Culture [a hard-copy compilation of Wikipedia articles] (Bookvika Publishing: Moscow, 2012).
RUSSELL, Jessie & COHN, Ronald (Eds), Loch Ness Monster [a hard-copy compilation of Wikipedia articles] (Bookvika Publishing: Moscow, 2012).

SAN SOUCI, Robert D. (Ed.), The Loch Ness Monster: Opposing Viewpoints (Greenhaven Press: San Diego, 1989).

SCHACH, David, The Loch Ness Monster (Torque Books: Minneapolis, 2010).

SEARLE, Frank, Nessie: Seven Years in Search of the Monster (Coronet: London, 1976).

SEARLE, Frank, The Story of Loch Ness (John Eccles: Inverness, 1977).

SEARLE, Frank, Around Loch Ness: A Handbook For Nessie Hunters (John Eccles: Inverness, 1977).

SENSICAL, Benjamin, Loch Ness: An Explanation (Privately published: [no place of publication details], 1982).

SHINE, Adrian, Loch Ness? (Loch Ness Project: Drumnadrochit, 2006).

SHUKER, Karl P.N., Here's Nessie! A Monstrous Compendium From Loch Ness (CFZ Press: Bideford, 2016).

SIEVERT, Terri, The Unsolved Mystery of the Loch Ness Monster (First Fact Books: North Mankato, 2013).

SNYDER, Gerald S., Is There a Loch Ness Monster? The Search For a Legend (Julian Messner: New York, 1977).

THORNE, Ian, The Loch Ness Monster (Crestwood House: New York, 1978).

TROUPE, Thomas K., The Legend of the Loch Ness Monster (Picture Window Books: North Mankato, 2011).

VIBE, Palle, Gaden I Loch Ness (Rhodos: Copenhagen, 1970).

WALLACE, Holly, The Mystery of the Loch Ness Monster (Capstone Global Library: Oxford, 2006).

WATSON, Roland, The Water Horses of Loch Ness (CreateSpace: London, 2011).

WELSH, Lily (Ed.), Monsters and Myths: Loch Ness and the Monster [a hard-copy compilation of Wikipedia articles] (Webster's Digital Services: 2010).

WHYTE, Constance, The Loch Ness Monster (Headley Brothers: London, 1951).

WHYTE, Constance, More Than a Legend: The Story of the Loch Ness Monster (Hamish Hamilton: London, 1957; rev. 1961).

WITCHELL, Nicholas, The Loch Ness Story (Terence Dalton: Lavenham, 1974; 3rd edit., Corgi Books: London, 1989).

WITCHELL, Nicholas, Loch Ness and the Monster (J. Arthur Dixon: Newport, 1975).

My little collection of Nessie figurines (© Dr Karl Shuker)

This Loch Ness monster bibliography is excerpted from my forthcoming book, Here's Nessie! A Monstrous Compendium from Loch Ness, which will be published in 2016 by CFZ Press.


  1. The parallel list maintained at Glasgow Boy's Loch Ness Monster blog has slightly different rules than yours. His: no fiction, no juveniles, no foreign language. Yours: no fiction, no partials, and I'm not sure where you stand on juveniles. There are a few items from his list that might qualify adding to yours, by Warren Smith, Barrie Robertson, Alex Harvey, Joseph W. Zarzynski, and J.F. Derry, possibly others. He mentions in another post a second compendium of Wikipedia articles by Russell & Cohn, "Loch Ness Monster in Popular Culture." One of his commenters at the main list mentions nine additional titles, one of which you've already captured (William Owen's "Loch Ness Revealing Its Monsters"). Of the other eight, several may be fiction or juvenile, but several appear to be straight adult non-fiction, and probably all eight should be investigated to make sure.




    1. Thanks for the info, Patrick - I'll check out Glasgow Boy's bibliography, but yes, I do include juvenile titles in my list, as long as they are clearly non-fiction, and I am particularly interested in adding as many foreign-language titles as possible. Because all books must concentrate entirely on Nessie (and/or other Scottish Loch monsters, e.g. Morag of Loch Morar), I have reluctantly had to omit certain classic works, such as Tim Dinsdale's The Leviathans and its updated American edition retitled Monster Hunt, as well as Peter Costello's In Search of Lake Monsters. I'll add to my bibliography the relevant ones from your above comment, so thanks again! All the best, Karl

    2. I've now checked out Glasgow Boy's bibliography, but the works in it by Smith, Derry, Robertson, and Zarzynski all come under my categorisation of partials, and the Harvey item, though entertainingly quirky, as a booklet accompanying a CD is not really a stand-alone item. But I'll now go through the nine titles mentioned by one of his commentators, and see if they qualify. Thanks again for the suggestions.

    3. Incidentally, I definitely want to mention that Glasgow Boy's Nessie blog is a wonderful, exceptionally well-researched and written fund of LNM information, which I definitely recommend to anyone interested in this subject.

  2. I did a little work on that list of nine. You actually already have three on your list: William Owen's "Loch Ness Revealing Its Monsters," Owen's "Scotland's Loch Ness Monster" (as a variant title for "The Loch Ness Monster"), and Rosemary Border's "Loch Ness Monster." That leaves six, of which one, the Furneauxes' "The Loch Ness Monster and Other Mysteries," is a partial (as indicated by its title), and another, John Bateman's "Loch Ness Conspiracy," appears to be a novel. Down to four! Three are apparently relevant juvenile titles - Harriette Sheffer Abels's "The Loch Ness Monster," Jeanne Bendick's "The Mystery of the Loch Ness Monster," and Ian Thorne's "The Loch Ness Monster." The fourth, Robert D. San Souci's "The Loch Ness Monster: Opposing Viewpoints," appears to be adult non-fiction (in a "casebook" series).

    Looking a little more closely at a few items already on your list: Jean Flitcroft's "The Loch Ness Monster" might be eliminated, as it appears to be juvenile fiction. I believe that the Martin Klein et al. and Robert Rines et al. "Underwater Search at Loch Ness," listed separately, are the same book.

  3. Also, the Colin Baxter and John Carney titles on your list might be the same book in different editions.

  4. Even Mackal abandoned the giant salamander theory in later years. But Gould favored Lane's theory, and Sanderson seemed intrigued by it. It has perhaps regained some momentum in recent years.
